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Found 2595 results for any of the keywords oligonucleotide synthesis. Time 0.008 seconds.
Oligonucleotide synthesis is the chemical synthesis of relatively short fragments of nucleic acids with defined chemical structure (sequence). The technique is extremely useful in current laboratory practice because it provides a rapid and inexpensive access to custom-made oligonucleotides of the desired sequence. -- Wikipedia Oligonucleotide Synthesis Service | TXBIOTXBIO offers Bioautomation, Oligo Synthesis and Oligonucleotide Synthesis Service from one-time service to preventative maintenance to a customized plan
Oligonucleotide Modifications, Modified Oligo Synthesis - Bio-SynthOur integrated FlexOligo Synthesis platform results in significant cost savings and allows for rapid scale-up production. We specialize in complex oligonucleotide modifications, including backbone modif
Partnering to Advance Human Health - AlmacPartnering to Advance Human Health. Providing a range of contract pharmaceutical development and manufacturing services globally.
About Us - AlmacGB JP
Genomic Services - AlmacAlmac Diagnostic Services offer clients a range of Genomic Services from multiple platforms, generating high quality data from DNA and RNA.
Companion Diagnostics - AlmacAlmac Diagnostic Services is uniquely placed to partner with clients throughout the entire process of Companion Diagnostics development.
Pharmacodynamic Biomarker Testing - AlmacAlmac can help Biopharma clients validate reliable Pharmacodynamic (PD) assays that can help provide invaluable guidance within their drug development programmes.
Our Services - AlmacAlmac Diagnostic Services offers clients multiple solutions within three core service lines: Genomic Services, Clinical Trial Assays and Companion Diagnostics.
Clinical Trial Assay - AlmacClinical Trial Assay Development - Extensive expertise in the development of CLIA validated clinical trial assays. Find out more.
Diagnostic Services - AlmacAlmac Diagnostics Services- A stratified medicine company specialising in biomarker driven clinical trials. Experience spanning oncology, immunology, CNS and infective diseases.
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